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How to Build the Perfect Bonus Package and Skyrocket Your Sales

Everybody loves to get their hands on the perfect bundle of products and services – the value and convenience of having everything in one place is irresistible!

When you add the right bonuses to your service product you create an offer so juicy that customers will feel stupid if they don’t buy it while they still can.

Your customers will buy for the bonuses when you follow the 3 steps outlined in this post. Keep reading or click play and watch the clip below:

Bonuses provide more value, overcome objections, and help customers achieve faster, easier results. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore three effective strategies for coming up with irresistible bonuses while introducing an innovative tool that simplifies the process. Let’s dive in!

1. Fast and Easy Results

Bundle your product with  bonuses that help customers achieve faster and easier results. Think about what your audience is paying for and how you can enhance their experience. 

For example, in our business we offer a one day intensive on crafting irresistible offers. And to make this experience even more productive and valuable, we give participants bonus access to proprietary AI technology that makes the whole process incredibly fast. 

Another idea is to offer a done-for-you bonus that complements your service, making it even more convenient for customers to achieve their desired outcomes.

2. Overcoming Objections

When you use the power of bonuses to address common objections, you build trust and confidence in your offer. 

Identify the common obstacles that potential buyers face, and find creative ways to overcome them. 

For instance, maybe they need an email list in order to use your strategy. In this case, you could bundle your service with a bonus training that shows them how to build an email list.

By providing solutions to objections, you can empower customers to take action.

3. Adding Value

One surefire way to make your offer more appealing is to offer additional value to your customers. This strategy involves giving more of what they came for or enhancing their purchase. 

For example, if someone opts for a three-month support package, consider offering an extra month for free.

Alternatively, if your product is a supplement, you could provide an extra bottle at no additional cost. By offering more value, you not only incentivize purchases but also reinforce your understanding of customer desires.

Create Your Bonuses Faster by Using AI as Your Easy Button

Now that you have learned effective strategies for creating bonuses, it’s time to consider the power of AI in streamlining the process. 

Bucket 3.0 AI is an innovative tool designed to help you craft an irresistible offer and identify the perfect bonuses with ease. 

By inputting key information about your market, challenges, benefits, and desires, this AI-powered solution generates bonus possibilities tailored just for you.

To see Bucket 3.0 AI in action, watch this video


When it comes to creating an offer that converts, bonuses play a pivotal role. Customers are often motivated to make a purchase because of the additional value they receive as part of the deal. 

By employing strategies such as delivering faster, easier results, overcoming objections, and adding more value, you can create a bundle of products that customers can’t say no to. 

Additionally, leveraging the power of tools like Bucket 3.0 AI streamlines the process.

Remember, people really do buy for the bonuses, so start using these three strategies to pick the perfect add-ons that will skyrocket your sales.


Join us for an upcoming free training for coaches, consultants, and experts to learn How to Get More Clients Faster Using this Unique AI-Powered Client-Getting Strategy.

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