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The Ugly Quiz: a Client-Getting Game Changer

“Ugly” quizzes are surprisingly effective. You can use them as part of a well-designed funnel to grow your list, gather data to develop new products your customers will love, or customize each person’s experience based on their answers.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of quizzes and how they can uplevel your marketing strategy. Specifically, we’ll explore several reasons why it’s smart to use “ugly” quizzes.

Keep reading or watch the video to learn more:

1.User Experience: Keep it Simple, Effective, and User-Friendly

When it comes to quizzes, user experience is everything. While some may refer to a simple design as “ugly,” we like to call it clean, easy-to-follow, and effective. 

A clean design allows your audience to focus solely on the question at hand, without any distractions. 

For example, the image below comes from a quiz that The ASK Method is using right now to help coaches and consultants identify the primary bottleneck that’s holding them back:

There are no overwhelming colors or flashy images, and the user is able to focus on the question.

2. Quality Data: Getting to Know Your Customers

The primary reason why quizzes are so good at attracting clients is the quality of data they provide. 

Just by asking a single question, such as the example shared earlier, you can gain insightful information about your audience and where they are in their business journey.

Imagine the power of knowing such details about your potential clients and creating personalized marketing strategies based on that knowledge.

3. Time Efficiency: Quick Creation and Deployment 

Short on time? An “ugly” quiz is your solution. It is faster to create and deploy compared to more elaborate designs that require the expertise of expensive graphic designers. 

By utilizing the right technology, you can have your quiz launched in just a matter of minutes. 

Remember, as the saying goes, “Money loves speed.” The faster you get your quiz up and running, the more leads and potential clients you can attract. Don’t waste time getting stuck in the mud; take advantage of the speed and efficiency of an “ugly” quiz.

4. Mobile First Design: Reaching Your Audience Where They Are 

Now, more than ever, it is crucial that your quiz is designed with a mobile-first strategy. In fact, we recently discovered that 94% of our quiz respondents answered the questions on their cell phone!

This means that creating a quiz that fits seamlessly on a mobile screen is essential to delivering  a simple and user-friendly interface that’s easy to use.


Often, the simplest solutions can be the most impactful. Embrace the power of the “ugly” quiz and unlock its true potential for attracting leads and clients. 

Remember to focus on the user experience, gather meaningful data, avoid wasting time, and prioritize mobile-friendly designs.


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