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Ryan Levesque's ULTIMATE BONUS Package for Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula:

Get over $11,649 in EXCLUSIVE ASK+PLF BONUSES.

There is no better way to launch your products and grow your business than by following Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula.

If you're thinking about investing in Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula, I wanted you to also have access to the absolute most powerful bonus package available.

This bonus package is worth over $11,649 and you can only get it when you enroll in the PLF program before the countdown timer goes down to zero!

Here are all of the details:

Your Ultimate Launch Bonus Package

Designed specifically to help you take advantage of the same powerful ASK + PLF combination used in highly successful launches

I believe so strongly that ASK + PLF can change your life and accelerate your business in a profound way, so I've put together the Ultimate Launch Bonus Package.

You'll get opportunities for coaching from my team, plus swipe, templates, and video tutorials specifically designed to provide you with everything you need to go from ground zero all the way up to the most successful launch you've ever had... regardless of whether you are just getting started or have been marketing your services for years.

This package is fully focused on the steps you can take to move your business forward, the strategies and tactics Jeff and I have used in our launches that have generated Million Dollar Days... Tens of Millions of Dollars over just the past few years. Jeff and I want you to be the next great PLF Success Story and this Ultimate ASK + PLF Launch Bonus Package will get you there.


ASK + PLF Magic: How to Double Your Next Launch

VALUE: $2,000
ASK + PLF: This intimate event details exactly how you can combine your Product Launch Formula Funnel with the ASK Method and turn your next launch into a winner

What happens when you add the magic of the ASK Method on top of the proven PLF system?

You can multiply your launch results! In this deep dive training, we’ll cover how to add the ASK Method to your launch, including:

  • Case Studies from Successful Launches
  • Swipe and Bucket Analysis Techniques
  • My Personal 7-Figure Launch Map
  • And much more…

This training dives deep into the strategies, tactics and hacks that my team and I are using in OUR multiple-7-figure launches.

You'll learn how you can use these same tools and techniques in your launches to see better conversions, just like Jeff Walker and so many others have been doing in their businesses.


How to Make Big Money from a Small List

VALUE: $500
“Steal” all the secret thing we did to move the needle for our $1M internal launch. You'll get our top 10 learning that we used to scale this $1M internal launch, to a $4M JV launch.

Every time I do a major launch or promotion, I create Top Secret "Launch Debrief" which I share with my Senior Management team.

  • Landing Page Split Tests
  • Paid Ad variations
  • Best Email Subject Lines
  • Click and Open Rates
  • And much more...

It’s a *highly classified*, password protected document... and I don’t usually share this document with anyone outside my team.

In this bonus, you’ll get access to the FULL launch debrief of how we did a 7-figure launch from a small list (back when our list was smaller)... AND what our launch debrief looks like today. You’ll be able to follow either playbook easily AND see what has changed and what’s stayed the same.


Launching Without a List

VALUE: $1,000
Discover step-by-step how to combine the ASK Lean DDS with the PLF Seed Launch to launch your new product quickly with confidence that you are speaking directly to the needs desirs of your audience.

Join my marketing team here at ASK as they give you step-by-step training on how to layer my Lean DDS approach with Jeff Walker’s Seed Launch. This is the perfect combination, especially for people who are just starting out with a new product or new market and don’t have a big list yet.

The Lean DDS is my main strategy to determine if there is interest in the market for a new idea, before I even start building the product.

When you take those insights and pair them with Jeff’s Seed Launch strategy, you can literally get paid to create your product, with confidence that there is a market for it.


Deep Dive on How to Generate Maximum Profit from your Open Cart with Ryan Levesque and Jeff Walker

VALUE: $1,000
Get Exclusive Access to this “Open Cart Strategy Session” call between Jeff and I where we discuss our best ways to increase sales conversion during the most critical stage of your launch.

Imagine listening in on an intimate conversation with just you, Jeff Walker, myself and a handful of other entrepreneurs.

The conversation fully focused on the steps you can take to move your business forward, the strategies and tactics Jeff and I have used in our launches that have generated Million Dollar Days... Tens of Millions of Dollars over just the past few years.

Jeff and I want you to be the next great PLF Success Story. Let us help you get there faster with this Q&A Call! This is the kind of personal attention that Jeff and I have received tens of thousands of dollars to give to clients. The kind of meeting you can't even begin to put a price tag on…


The “Hollywood” QUIZ Launch Strategy: How to Use Quizzes to Drive Traffic to Your Launch

VALUE: $1,500
Get access to this deep dive training with an exclusive group of Jeff’s students. Use the “Quiz + PLF” strategy to increase conversions and reduce your lead generation costs.

Recently, we did a special half-day VIP Session teaching how to use Quizzes to drive traffic to your launch.

This deep-dive 3-hour bonus training will show you how to bake a quiz into YOUR launch to get higher conversions and generate tons of excitement and buzz.

You’ll learn the “Hollywood” Quiz Launch Strategy to create a compelling story for each of the “characters” - the different buckets in your launch.

This super-valuable training is packed with insights and takeaways for your own launch, no matter how big or small.


“No Market, No Problem!” Seed Launch Maximizer

VALUE: $2,000
Learn why the single most important question you should ask before you start your business is not what you should sell but…

We’ll send you a FREE copy of my acclaimed book Choose and the comprehensive Choose, Ask, Build training to make sure your Seed Launch has the best chance of success.

In the book + training you’ll discover:

  • My simple 5-second test to measure demand for your business idea, which means you can know within seconds whether your business has the potential to be successful in the long term...or not, and save yourself months or even years of going down the wrong road.
  • A 3-word phrase that allows you to decide what to sell and how much to charge (this is what trips a lot of people up, which is why I’ve developed my own model to make this really easy).
  • My 3 step methodology to choose a market that has enough potential to keep generating revenue for the rest of your life (I cover this in the Choose book, but this is the in-depth video training that you can access right now)
  • How to figure out your most important “buckets”, or the different segments of your market to focus on that represent the hungriest segments of your market…
  • How to decide WHAT products to create, and how to quickly build them so that you can do your SEED LAUNCH quickly (sometimes even selling it BEFORE you create it!)...
  • And much MUCH more...

17 “Launch Traffic Hacks” for Social Media to Stop the Scroll and Get More Eyes on Your Content

VALUE: $799
Learn the secret of standing out and getting ahead.

Want to get MORE free traffic to your products during your launch (and make more sales)?

The key is in getting people to “stop the scroll” and pay attention to your content. In this special training, we’ll cover:

In this special training, we’ll cover:

  • How to get the attention of your ideal audience on social media...
  • My secret toolkit of hacks that we use in our own ads to stand out and make sure your ads get views and clicks, including:
  • The “Notebook” Technique
  • The “Cross-Platform” Technique…
  • The “Wicked Smaht” Technique…
  • The “News Alert” Technique…
  • The “Write it on Weird Stuff” Technique…
  • 12 MORE ways to stop the scroll and get more eyeballs on your posts and ads before, during, and after your launch…
  • Plus tons of examples along the way...
  • And more!

The “Essential Launch” Checklist Bundle: Our 38 Tried-and-True Templates to Launch, Sell, and Scale Your Business:

VALUE: $2,850
Get access to the VERY ESSENTIAL checklists, procedures, and templates that we have created throughout the years in our company.

I want to share with you the MOST important checklists, processes, and templates that we’ve developed in our business over the years.

These will save you SO much time and effort when it comes to things like...

  • Choosing the right market for you… (with our Five Market Must Haves Checklist)
  • Coming up with an amazing offer… (Check out the 12-Part Offer Checklist!)
  • Writing must-open email subject lines… (Get my Top Email Subject Lines List)
  • Setting up a Facebook ad campaign… (Use the Facebook Campaign Checklist here)
  • Creating a landing page that converts (SO simple with the 27-Point Landing Page Checklist)
  • Nailing a high-converting webinar (Yes! The 9-Part Webinar Checklist)
  • And much, much more!
Fast Action Bonus:

1-on-1 Launch Review with MY Marketing Launch Manager

First 20 ONLY

The first 20 people who enroll in Jeff's Product Launch Formula through the link on this page will get a valuable opportunity to meet one-on-one with my Marketing Launch Manager…

He's been in the trenches with me as we've planned out and executed launch after launch and he knows exactly what it takes to pull off a successful campaign. Together, you will:

  • Go over your launch strategy (and make any corrections needed to make it a success)...
  • Review your complete funnel for any potential “bottlenecks” or glaring mistakes...
  • Get the secrets on how we tripled our launch earnings by combining ASK + PLF...
  • Or cover any specific topic you feel you need the most help with to move forward…